Tooth-borne copings

  1. Click Save. The case is listed in Active cases.

  2. Click Open.

  3. Navigate through the scan files for the Upper, Lower, and Bite and remove unwanted sections.

    Use Display to hide the components you don't need to trim.

  4. Go to Trimming. Use available tools to remove remaining artifacts.

    Tools only work on surfaces that are highlighted in blue.

  5. Go to Orientation. Position the scan model on the axes to get the best possible restoration proposals.

  6. Go to Tagging. Click to tag teeth according to the lab slip.

  7. Go to Anatomy library. Select default anatomies for each tooth.

    Go to Anatomy. Use available toolkits to duplicate, fit, shape, and sculpt tooth anatomies.

  8. Go to Bottom.

    • Fill out lab slip details about the restoration plan, output, and material.

    • Set up the prep margin line, and the restoration insertion path.

    • Set up restoration fitting parameters, and the material thickness.

  9. Go to Shell.

    Click Contacts in Display to identify contact points at a glance.

    • Set up occlusal, proximal, and gingival contacts.

    • You can also shape or sculpt to fine-tune the design.

    Go to Review. Inspect your design and bring final touches.
    You can change the Restoration skin and the Arch skin in Display to get a sharper view of the result.

  10. Go to Export. Select the output folder for the restoration files and click Finish.

Want to try it yourself? Download case files.